Dear fellow crypto anarchists, On you can find all kind of miners for Windows. But how to mine on Linux? We use cpuminer-multi for the following coins: axiom Shabal-256 MemoHash bitcore Timetravel with 10 algos blake Blake-256 14-rounds (SFR) blakecoin Blake-256 single sha256 merkle blake2s Blake2-S (256) bmw BMW 256 c11/flax C11 cryptolight Cryptonight-light (AEON) cryptonight Monero, BCN decred Blake-256 14-rounds 180 bytes dmd-gr Diamond-Groestl drop Dropcoin fresh Fresh groestl GroestlCoin heavy Heavy jha JHA keccak Keccak luffa Luffa lyra2re Lyra2RE lyra2rev2 Lyra2REv2 (Vertcoin) myr-gr Myriad-Groestl neoscrypt NeoScrypt(128, 2, 1) nist5 Nist5 pluck Pluck:128 (Supcoin) pentablake Pentablake quark Quark qubit Qubit scrypt scrypt(1024, 1, 1) (default) scrypt:N scrypt(N, 1, 1) scrypt-jane:N (with N factor from 4 to 30) shavite3 Shavite3 sha256d SHA-256d sia Blake2-B sib X11 + gost (SibCoin) skein Skein+Sha (Skeincoin) skein2 Double Skein (Woodcoin) s3 S3 timetravel Timetravel (Machinecoin) vanilla Blake-256 8-rounds x11evo Permuted x11 x11 X11 x13 X13 x14 X14 x15 X15 x17 X17 xevan Xevan (BitSend) yescrypt Yescrypt zr5 ZR5 Installation: goto some directory like /home/miner type: git clone cd cpuminer-multi ./ ./configure --with-crypto --with-curl make then activate: ./cpuminer -a [crypto] -o [url] -u [user] -p x ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mining ETH/EXP !! You need a videocard with 4Gb+ for ETH and 2Gb+ for EXP!! * assuming you have installed all videodrivers.. I could have not explained it better then this.. change -G to -U for NVidia! ----------------------------------------------------------------- More to come, have fun! Be rich! Chaosje.